Wine and Art Soirée

The 2023 Govfest Wine + Art Soirée will be taking place this Fall! This year will be Govfest’s 8th edition of the wine and art exhibition and auction. Since its launch in 2015, the event has showcased more than 200 artworks, made and donated by over 150 artists from the broader public service.

The Wine and Art Soirée is a part of the broader Govfest Festival, and expands Govfest’s arts and cultural programming by showcasing works by visual artists within the broader public service. Artworks are produced and donated by public servants, their families and friends, and are showcased at the event along with wine pairings. Artworks submitted can be 2D or 3D on any media (e.g. canvas, paper, print, photography, sculpture, textile, etc.). An online auction will precede the final in-person art auction. Please stay tuned for more details on Call for Artists!