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See Everyone is Saying About Govfest

For the last 12 years people have been getting involved in Govfest in various capacites. We are greatful to all of our participants, participants, sponsors, volunteers, organizers and guests. Here is what they are saying about us:

Having been a govfest performer for several years, it was challenging putting our band together, rehearsing, going to weekly meetings, promoting, selling tickets and doing our regular day to day OPS jobs but when I saw this article it became the biggest reward for the efforts put forth. Many times charitable outcomes are never seen this clearly. Participating in govfest has given me an internal perspective of how hard the organizers work, both you and Rosemary were amazing in your dedication, how much people working as a team can accomplish and the power of music to create positive change in the world. Thanks so much, Paul for this opportunity. I have been proud to be a part of the govfest community and hope for many more to come. They only seem to be more and more successful with each passing year”

Chantal Damonze

Clean water is so essential to improving the health of a population. Great work!!! Being involved in this sort of work as well I have learned that there are so many amazing people doing such great work to help people have a better life….”

Elizabeth Good

Being a refugee from Uganda now living here for over 40 years, I am so proud of this project. Clean water is so essential and something we don’t even think about. Amazing work.

Kalpna Pathak